Audition opportunity (Walton-on-the-Hill):

Last Tango in Little Grimley and Lockdown in Little Grimley
written by David Tristam  

As you may have heard, there’s been a little bit of a change of plan from what we’d originally intended.  However, we’re sure we’ve got a great show lined up, in the form of two back-to-back one-act plays from the “Little Grimley” series by David Tristam.

Imagine the possibility of everything going wrong – and then it does! And yet somehow it goes right –

Then this is the play to audition for which will take place from 28 to 30 November at The Lord Riddell Memorial Hall in Walton-on-the-Hill.

This production to be directed by Bernie Kemble and auditions will be held on Monday 9th September at 8pm at Walton School Hall, Walton Street, Walton on the Hill, KT20 7RR.

Last Tango in Little Grimley

Little Grimley Amateur Dramatic Society is in trouble.  The membership has dwindled to four and it’s time for dramatic action.  There’s only one thing that sells tickets these days – sex!  But how will the locals react?  Thus begins the chaos and build up to an evening of extraordinary home-grown drama.

Lockdown in Little Grimley

In a time of lockdown, the Chairman Gordon calls an emergency meeting, complete with social distancing, to discuss his idea for the next production when restrictions ease – a touching love story in a hospital, with all profits destined to the NHS but based on their previous efforts, will the NHS actually end up worse off?

The same four characters are in both plays. – ages of the characters can be flexible

  • Gordon – Chairman who doggedly believes in the society no matter what the adversity is.
  • Margaret– Diva and leading lady in all the shows
  • Joyce – Secretary of the Society, timid librarian and dreams of being in a musical
  • Bernard – General Backstage hand and minor actor (don’t be fooled by the description)

To register your interest in auditions, please contact Bernie by 7th September  New actors warmly welcome.

 If you cannot make the date, please contact us so we can arrange to see you at a convenient time. Rehearsals will commence from the 16th of September Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm and held at Walton School Hall

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