Newsletter April 2024

The Gage Players Newsletter – April 2024

Hello everyone,

At last, the clocks have gone forward, the winter is over, and spring is here with the bluebells.  Just back from a wonderful weekend in Paris which put me in the perfect mood to see our spring production with its delightful links to France.

My personal review

I was lucky enough to see The Nightingales, written by Peter Quilter and directed by Lesley Crowther-Smith, performed last week at Riddell Hall. The first thing that stands out is the look crafted by the director. As the curtain rose, I was immediately struck by the stage design, costumes and music which captured the essence of the 1950s. The stage crew did an amazing job to create this authenticity and set the mood for the audience. The second thing was the wonderful casting of the actors who brought the characters to life. It very much felt an ensemble piece, and as everyone played their part so well it would be unfair to single anyone out. The chemistry from the two couples was perfect, and they kept the audience hanging on until the last moment for Charlie and Beatrice to make up and Maggie and Jack to kiss and live happily ever after. It is a feel-good play, and, thanks to the superb direction, there was a warm glow in the theatre as the curtain went down. Lesley, the cast, and the crew are to be warmly congratulated for creating a tremendous success!

A big thank you to Rod, Gillie and Ian for the new display boards and wonderful photographic record of the players productions. We had a good deal of positive comment.

We’re looking for a Secretary

Do you know of anyone who would like to be a secretary in a voluntary capacity? We would love to hear from you if you do.  Get in touch at



STOP PRESS – bottle donation deliveries 11-15 May

The Gage will be manning a bottle tombola stall at the Walton May Pageant held on Saturday 18th. May. Please save and donate a bottle (s) – the more money we make the more wonderful productions we can put on.  We are collecting all kinds of bottles from alcohol to cooking oil, fizzy drinks, and squash to bubble bath or shampoo – anything you can think of that comes in a bottle.

You can deliver to Gill and Rod Lucas, from 11 -15 May but please ring first on

01737 812 703.

The Pageant is a great day out, with amusements, various stalls, a May Queen, refreshments, and entertainment for all the family, so please make a note of the date.  The Pageant Procession starts at Walton Pond at 2pm and walks through the village to the grounds at Howard Close.  See attached flyer and spread the word!

Poetry and Prose evening

Our next sparkling Poetry and Prose evening will be held on Wednesday 22nd May at 8pm. Everyone is welcome whether reading, reciting or just sitting back listening and enjoying as they are both achieved in the comfort of your own home.

If you would like to join us, please contact us at for the link to join our Zoom get together.


The Gage midsummer lunch

We would like to hold a midsummer lunch, probably in a pub garden.  We will let you know the venue, date, and time as soon as possible.  It would be good to have another opportunity to mingle and chat.


STOP PRESS: Our new date for an evening of rehearsed play readings, will be on Saturday 7th September. Don’t panic! Pip Rolls is still returning with his new play ‘Snapshots of History’ series.  Whilst he is scribbling away, our play reader group are in the final throes of finalising our second play.


Winter production (dates 28th, 29th & 30th November).  Details to be finalised – more news later.

 Dates for your diary

  • The Walton May Pageant on Saturday, 18th May
  • Poetry & Prose evening, 8pm via Zoom on Wednesday 22nd May
  • Saturday 7th September for an evening of rehearsed play readings with supper at 7pm, at the Riddell Hall
  • Winter production 28th, 29th and 30th November – play to be finalised.

2024 has made a flying start with our spring play, and we look forward to seeing you at the May Pageant!

Best wishes,


Chair, Gage Committee

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