From April 2023 the Gage will have a vacancy for the role of Honorary Secretary on the committee.
This important job has been slimmed down considerably, with areas of work being assigned to others in order to spread the load, and we hope that this will make it an attractive proposition for a new member of the team.
The key aspects of the job will be setting agendas for committee meetings (currently held about monthly via Zoom), using the previous meeting’s agenda as a template and adding any new items notified since then; then writing up the meeting minutes promptly, with action points for various people marked throughout. The post-holder would do the same for the Gage AGM, held in March, from 2024 onwards.
Draft agendas and minutes are sent to the committee chair for approval before being circulated to the committee and sub-committee by the secretary. The present post-holder would forward previous documents by email as a support.
So we are seeking someone with a good grasp of administration, able to write and communicate clearly and precisely, and who is competent on a computer to make well-organised files and folders as part of the Gage’s record and archive system.
If you are interested in becoming part of a vibrant and friendly group in the Tadworth and Walton community, please contact us by email at  friends@thegageplayers.co.uk

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