Yes, Prime Minister – Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn

The Gage Players put on a successful production of Yes, Prime Minister in the spring of 2014. A brief synopsis follows, as well as some photos.

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As the play opens, in the Prime Minister’s study at Chequers, Humphrey and Bernard are scheming. It’s been a rough day for P. M. with the “government in crisis.” The economy is suffering, jobs are at an all-time low, debt is high, and it is all his fault. The way out Humphrey tells the P. M. is with the Kumranistanis who will loan 10 trillion dollars for an agreement to buy their oil. But joining the Euro is part of the deal and the P. M. will not agree. Humphrey has leaked the deal and his bank is buying up Euros. To counter and do damage control the P. M. threatens Humphrey with Civil Service Reform. Egad, there goes the home in Province.

Meanwhile a Kumranistani official has a request that threatens to topple the deal. Seems he wants sex with an underage schoolgirl or the deal is off. Procuring women for sex is against the law. Sutton sizes up the issue. “Better for one girl to get screwed than the whole European economy.” Will they procure a prostitute? Will the deal be on? The climax is brought about with a bolt of lightning and a thunderclap with such real sound effects and a downpour of steady rain. The P. M. is sure it is God speaking to him!



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